The DE-357: Keeping The Lights On

Below, find three pictures of the Electrical Crew. The top picture. The incredibly cocky guy in the middle I happen to know personally to be a photo hog. He was also my father, Norman E. Morrison Sr. 11 years or so before we actually met.

The bottom picture features the whole gang together. Typed on the back of the picture, evidently right aboard ship it says… Engineer Officer Mr. Bryant, third from right. Ass’t Engineer Officer Mr. Modest forth from right. Morrison is in the back row, third from left.

Thanks to shipmate Tammy Strichek, (Daughter), George A. Pfister is identified as the second man (knitted fingers) bottom row. Pfister was the Chief Electrician for the gang. In the top picture, Pfister is the man with his hand on the rail, and in the center picture, he is the officer with the cap on the left.

As always, I’ll add and revise as we get more identifications.  A CD with high res pictures is available. See the How You Can Help page.

Electrical Crew of the Mighty George E. Davis DE-357