Collections Cohen

DE-357 The Battle Ribbons

Cohen Collection

The Battle Ribbons



 USS George E. Davis DE-357 Battle Ribbons

Battle ribbons and medals are awarded to naval vessels and crew as a testament of service. Thanks to RD2 Stanley Cohen, we have the collected record and description of the medals of the George E. Davis DE-357. Bars are normally worn on dress uniforms while the medals are pinned on usually on fancy dress occasions. If you will look closely, you’ll see the same colors in the bars as in the medallions. The bars are a sort of “shorthand” representing the medals. The very top bar, for example represents the medal in the center of the picture.

Editor note 2018: I must confess that I had a more elegant presentation on the old website but I don’t think what you’ll see below is too shabby. As we move out of the shipmate’s era into the era of genealogy, I guess, my aim is to present as complete of a picture of 1944 as possible. I realize this could be of interest only to the real historians living in your time…whenever that is. But rest assured…the medals were a VERY important part of the story. A few pieces of metal imbued with the entirety of the history of their noble sacrifices.

As for me…well, I KNEW Stan Cohen and he was a real pip. And as for myself, well, my father also had a box of medals. I was showing it to some neighborhood boys one day when I was just a few years old and they all wanted one….so I passed out several. Luckily I still have a few. The good news for me at the time was when my father found out…he really didn’t mind. I would have whooped the tar out of me!


What the medals mean…

  1. Philippine Liberation Medal with one battle star.
  2. Asiatic Pacific Theatre with one battle star… Victory Medal – American Theatre.
  3. National Defense Medal – Occupation-Asia Medal, China Service
  4. American Campaign Medal
  5. National Defense Medal
  6. Victory Medal
  7. China Service
  8. Philippine Liberation
  9. Asiatic Pacific Theatre
  10. Occupation Asia

The Davis Story on The Destroyer Escort DE-357

The Davis Story



The Davis Story In Audio! Listen to it as you look over our pages. 
The DE-357 was slung low and dangerous. She was built for speed and she was deadly!

Pictures for the video production by Stan Cohen
Narrated by Mike Warner
Produced, Directed, and Written by Greg Taillon

The thrilling and extremely professional audio on this page was engineered by Greg Taillon, the son of shipmate SoMS2c Norm Taillon of the nucleus crew. It accompanies the video tape presentation containing pictures from the collection of RdM2/C Stanley Cohen.

Stanley has donated his DE-357 picture collection to the USS Slater Organization located in Albany, NY. It will be available to DE357 shipmates, and their descendants. Click to see a picture. When you visit ask for Locker 16.


Click below to listen to Der Fuehrer’s Face!

Der Fuehrer’s Face Song

Cohen Collection on the George E. Davis DE-357 Website The Official Booklet

The Cohen Collection


Stanley H. Cohen RD2 was born in Philadelphia, PA. Like many boys (men) of his generation, he served his country in WWII. He served from March 1944 until May of 1946 and again from May 1951 until March 1952. Behind Stan, who was 17 at the time, but looks more like 14, is the medals the DE357 earned during her war cruise.

Stan also served as one of the cornerstones of the reunion effort in the 80’s and 90’s culminating with what was possibly the best one for the original nucleus crew in Washington DC in 1999. Below, see the booklet that was produced after that reunion. It contains old as well as contemporary pictures (From all the Davis reunions) of the crew of the Mighty George E. Davis, DE357! 

Here in good old 2018 it occurs to this pagemaker (Norm) that in the GREAT photos below the older shipmates look like Teddy Bears. But in 1944…they were tigers!


Reunion Booklet spanning the cruise of the George E. Davis DE 357 from 11 August 1944 until 26 August 1945 and the crew reunions through 1999.



Page one which includes the service record of Stan Cohen. You can have a page like this recorded in the Navy Log at the Naval Heritage Center. See it at



Tribute to John R. Triplett. Mr. Triplett was instrumental in gathering the crew of the Davis together after the war for our great annual reunions!


The history of the George E. Davis DE 357.



Bronze Medal citation to the ship’s captain, Lt. Commander Frederick I. Lincoln.



War cruise map of the mighty George E. Davis DE 357. Please note that all pages presented here are oversized so you can see the detail better. Click photo for an even larger photo.



Ship’s crew pictures. As always your are welcomed to help me identify shipmates in the pictures.

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